TRANSLATING the UN’s Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
(Article originally posted at: )
Once you acknowledge that Sustainability and Inclusivity are concepts used to disguise Marxism and package together a Trojan Horse named “social justice” – ironically a concept Marx coined – all of the 17 SDG’s can be seen as covert attacks on individual rights & freedoms under the premises of “fairness” and “the greater good.”
The following translations are not factual, they are my own opinion and I have a valid reason for each point given. The translations are also not exhaustive – there is so much more to say about each SDG but I focused on brevity and overlap in order to peak interest and to hopefully spark conversations around the world. Please comment below to share your thoughts and more importantly share this article with anyone that may benefit from engaging in this topic.
SDG 1: “End poverty in all its forms everywhere.”
Translated: “Everywhere.” This is the promotion of the need for a one world government, a worldwide intervention in the name of ending poverty -- “for the Greater Good.” Talking points: equal access to economic resources, rights to basic services, financial support, efforts to reduce exposure to hardship, fairness, equity, social justice. Who will pay for it all? What measures will be taken? Who will decide the economic resources? Rights to services, financial supports, etc…? Look out for the destruction of the middle class, eventual introduction of a Universal Basic Income, further erosion of private property rights; ownership will take a back seat to “sharing” for the greater good --“You will own nothing and you will be happy.” We cannot discuss poverty without discussing money, capitalism and politics: adopting centralize banks and a digital one world currency, cashless society; social credit system, stakeholder capitalism (aka fascism). Digital currency tied to: Digital ID(Passports, Driver’s License, Health Care, etc.), Social Credit System, Carbon Credits. The digital currency, and all that is attached to it, will be a major mechanism of control. Monitoring, tracking, and limiting or controlling transactions will become the norm – even though it infringes on basic rights. Minimal privacy. Individual dissent will be next to impossible – behaviour will be controlled via financial ostracism when a person’s bank account is turned off with the click of a button, and/or their entire identity is erased altogether.
SDG 2:“End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.”
Translated: Create one world government directed monopoly over the entire food supply-chain. GMO. Eliminate free-market food choices. Convince people to eat modified and heavily refined foods, less unadulterated (organic) foods; to replace them with foods that nourish less, are full of micro-toxins, and that promote inflammation. National government agencies to create policies; policies directed by UN international Climate Change Institutions – no one is elected but fake legitimacy and authority is what the public perceives and somehow individual rights will take another back seat (this is similar to the CDC, NIH, WHO, etc…). Promoting ‘sustainable agriculture’ by convincing everyone in the world that farming certain foods will destroy the planet through climate alarmism. All foods that are grown organically, free-range, grassfed, and non-regulated foods such as raw milk and eggs that aren’t ‘approved’ by regulating bodies will be banned. They will use Climate Alarmism to legitimize overreaching governance over the world’s food-suppliers, limiting farmer’s productions, eventually putting them all out of business so that their conglomerates may achieve a monopoly over the food industry. They want to own all of the land – putting smaller and local farmers out of business -- using restrictions -- in order to acquire their land. They will, for example, demonize the beef industry while promoting the cricket eating industry, and claim that beef production is bad for the planet and ‘unsustainable’. Limit beef production, driving up prices for consumers, and putting most independent or small farmers out of business; eventually beef will become scarce and only available for those willing to pay exorbitant prices. Ultimately, they aim to achieve a food dictatorship; controlling food options and food rations in the name of “sustainability.” Rations will be tied to carbon credits. Control the food supply – control the people. Even people that wish to keep chickens and have eggs on their own properties will be regulated and regulated from selling to other people (selling limitations are already placed on farmers in North America). Also, look into edible vaccines; GMO foods such as tomatoes at Cornell University – if you thought informed consent was rocky now, just wait. Not only foods, but they are also already doing trials with mosquitos as vaccinators.
SDG 3: “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.”
Translated: Continue to push and protect GMO products onto shelves and to attempt to eliminate non-GMO competition. Pressure the world to follow the U.N. -- via their Food & Agriculture Organization’s – “FOOD CODE: Codex Alimentarius.” Force the world to adopt policies designed to serve the interests of global agribusiness above all others, while undermining the rights and well-beings of farmers and consumers. People will be eating less nourishing foods due to less food selection and overly refined and modified foods; full of additives, dyes, preservatives, ‘natural’ flavourings – ultimately, we will be consuming even more toxins. Exposure to more toxins means more chronic illness; to be treated with more pharmaceuticals. Pills will be pushed over lifestyle changes such as: physical activity, consuming more healthy nutrient dense foods, weight-loss and healthy body compositions, therapy, meditation, social interaction and face-to-face human-connection, etc. Rather than telling people to go for walks and to get sunlight and to breathe some fresh air, people will be told to stay home and not to expose themselves to the harsh sun and risk infection from other people. Mass vaccination in order to gain access to and to participate-in society. More infringing on individual rights in the name of ‘public health.’ This will include continuation of business closures, mask restrictions, stay-at-home-orders, travel restrictions, vaccine and medication requirements. Euthaniasia to become more common – even poverty and depression will be considered as qualifiers. Severe restrictions and Medical apartheid for the non-compliant via Digital ID, Digital Currency, and Social Credit System lockouts. The foods and medications that people have no choice but to take will also continue to sterilize the population and birthrates will continue to plummet.
SDG 4:“Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”
Translated: Indoctrination. To continue to NOT teach critical thinking in classrooms across the world and to instead shun non-conformity and to attack reality & reason; demonizing people that point out contradictions and speak with logic and common sense. Questions will not be allowed and questioners will be cancelled and ostracized. Kids that ask questions will get bad grades. What they call education could better be described as Compulsory UN -- one world governance --indoctrination for all people of all ages. Demoralization – even worse that what we are experiencing today. Promote LGBTQ2 Gender Ideology to all children across the world in an attempt to eliminate masculine men and feminine women; ultimately to attack reality and to diminish family values with hopes of destroying the family unit. The destruction of the family creates more dependence on the state – Nanny State -- and also aids with the depopulation agenda (via lowering birth-rates). Lowering birthrates by brainwashing away family values, sexualizing children at an early age, promoting sexual perversion and hedonistic promiscuity, while normalizing Planned Parenthood and transexualism. Pushing people away from religion, especially from Christianity and Islam, in order to help push societal attitudes toward a false alternative of nihilism and self-insignificance – this will aid with demoralization, self-indulgence, and primitive behaviours. A society of demoralized, low-self-esteemed, sexual/reproductive dysfunction, and hive-minded automatons that are easy to control.
SDG 5: “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.”
Translated: Propagating the newer waves of feminism (equality of outcome +more), which is a perversion of the original feminist movement of the mid 20th century (equality of individual/political right). Advocating against the ‘patriarchy’ in the form of equality of outcome – throwing individual rights out the window, meritocracy out the window, and practicing negative discrimination against men. An attack on men, especially straight white Christian men. Men are to be viewed as oppressors; sexual orientation(non-straight), gender identity(non-cisgender), and race or skin colour(non-white) can make a man less of an ‘oppressor’ – even non-Christian is somehow less oppressive. By brainwashing society into thinking that men and women do not have their differences -- and that straight women choose motherhood over a career are lesser – biological facts such as giving birth and breastfeeding become demoralized and under-appreciated. They look down on women without careers as if raising the next generation of humans is not a beautiful human endeavour. Making women believe that they must have careers moves them into the workplace -- taking them out of the home. With less women having children (or a lesser number of children) and more mothers entering the workforce/leaving the home, this contributes to both depopulation and the mass indoctrination of children agenda. Also, doubles the population of taxed citizens. Less children will be born and they will be raised by the state. Empowering all women and girls to be sexually liberated; increased promiscuity decreases the likelihood of successful long-term pair-bonding and the building of families less marriages, more divorces, less children. This also saves corporations money in the long-term as its much cheaper to pay for an employee’s abortion than it is to pay for maternity leave. Enabling sexual irresponsibility, promoting Planned Parenthood, and the glorification of abortions. The continued attack on masculinity – propagation of anti-concepts such as ‘toxic masculinity,’ ‘male privilege,’ and ‘mansplaining.’ Ideas such as MGTOW(Men Going Their Own Way) to continue to rise as men do not want to participate in the demoralized and dysfunctional relationship standards presented to them. Ultimately, many men become more feminine(to avoid being called a toxic man) or fed up with confused irresponsible liberal feminist women and they no longer want to participate; and women become less feminine, more promiscuious, and less interested in masculine-family-desiring-men; so they pair-bond less, have less long-term relationships, and less children – less families. Destruction of family values.
SDG 6: “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.”
Translated: One world governance of all water across the planet; ownership through either directed privatization or government institutions. Water supply will either be owned by major corporations or governing bodies and only those that are on board with the WEF and Agenda 2030 will be allowed to gain those ownership rights. They will be told how to run the water supply by directives that come from the UN. Management of water quality; ie. fluoride in all drinking water. Water rationing – households and people to face limitations on water consumption. Rather than have water consumption based upon pricing it will be based on carbon credits and the social credit system. Attached to carbon credits. People will try to collect rainwater only to realize that in many places around North America that has already been deemed illegal – this will increase of course.
SDG 7: “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.”
Translated: Eventual elimination of fossil fuels – dependence on electrical grid. Scheduled blackouts and energy usage rationing in the name of reducing energy waste across all sectors and populations. Using Smart Meters, the tracking, monitoring, and limiting of things such as: how often you can do the laundry or use the dishwasher, when you can and cannot use the air-conditioner; length, frequency, and temperature of showers/baths, how high or low you can set your thermostat to control the household temperature, etc. This is all be attached to carbon credits and the social credit system.
SDG 8: “Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.”
Translated: Stakeholder capitalism. State directed economy. Business or corporate ownership will have less meaning. The UN to determine how a company may operate, using principles of ‘sustainability’ and ‘inclusion.’ That is, creating guidelines which the companies must obey such as what to produce, how to produce it, how much to produce, who they may do business with, how much they must pay people, and what to price their products/services at, etc. The profit motive and price mechanisms will not dictate how the companies behave but rather any person that has a ‘stake’ in the company may have a say. Who determines who a stakeholder is? This is the removal of shareholder profit driven corporations in exchange for a utopian stakeholder capitalism. Ownership is by paper only at this point. This will be the same as the vampire economy of Nazi Germany. Companies that submit and obey will thrive while smaller companies or companies that do not obey will be met by policies that wipe them out of business. This will favour larger corporate interests and stifle entrepreneurial ventures. Entrepreneurial ventures will be completely at the mercy of the state and UN guidelines – whatever they may be. Innovation, research and development, will ultimately only happen if it suits the Agenda’s vision. Strong barriers to entry, regulations, favouritism, lobbying, and other forms of corrupt politics will stifle innovation – especially exploring innovations counter to the narrative such as: CO2 helps vegetation grow, fossil fuel is abiotic, hydro-powered engines, free-energy, deep underground waterflows, etc.. There is a reason that everyone knows Greta Thunberg but not Boyan Slat.
SDG 9: “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.”
Translated: Nations that agree to the Agenda will receive massive foreign aid from the other countries; this will come in the form large, billions of dollars, contributions ( printed money; devaluing the currencies of those donating nations). Countries that do not agree to the Agenda will be met with trade embargoes, tariffs, and other obstacles for not playing ball, maybe even kinetic warfare in the name of “democracy” as we saw with countries such as Libya when Ghadafi wanted to change oil trade from US dollar to African Gold Dinari. Industrialization of lesser developed countries will cost more than simply loyalty to the Agenda; the infrastructures will be setup in such a way that the industries will depend on UN and UN member nations for continuation with production/service contracts and financial support/subsidies. This will make the economic hitmen of the past seem generous because it will require complete participation of the country in the Agenda. ALL industrialization and innovation will only occur in exact alignment with the Agenda – this is not just about physical industrialization and regulations, it is will spread across all policies from health care, to public policies, to education, to media, food, to banking, welfare, etc…
SDG 10: “Reduce inequality within and among countries.”
Translated: They do NOT aim for political equality; they aim for more authority over the populations, eroding individual rights and all in the name of reducing inequality. Everyone is to be equally poor. Everyone is to be equally enslaved. This means more use of vague terms such as: fairness, inclusivity, privilege, social justice, the greater good, equity, equality(outcome), etc…. It’s the usual Marxism aiming to erode freedoms in the name of ‘the greater good’ hoping that it will appeal to your emotions. This is a call for even more government interventions, more taxation, more wealth and resource transfer. Politics/policies will be driven by the LGBTQ2, BLM, and climate change types of movements, and fueled with the post-modernist, subjectivist, relativist, and the Marxist ideological undertones. Cue Saul Alinskies Rules for Radicals even more. The massive wealth transfers from more developed countries to lesser developed countries will further increase the money supply, via money printing, increase deficit spending, and since this is not being done to actually stimulate economic activity in the donating countries, it will be another driver of inflation and the debasement of currency. Helping to usher in a digital currency. 2 Billion here, 2 Billion there; the purchasing power of people’s saving accounts will be under attack. This will make those living in poverty more dependent on the state, it will negatively affect the middle class, throwing some of them into poverty and making them dependents on the state. More dependency equals more compliance with less ability for dissidents to survive. This is an attack on capitalism. Even though we are living under crony-capitalism and Keynesian economic systems (Marxism on the rocks), they will blame free-market capitalism and push for ‘stakeholder capitalism.’ Stakeholder capitalism is a segue for fascist style ‘property rights’ – you may own the goats but we(the state) will determine how much milk you must produce, how you will produce it, who you can sell it to, and for what price.
SDG 11:“Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.”
Translated: 15 minute cities where you have no reason to venture outside of your allowed/designated bubble. Everything you need is to be within walking distance. Special permissions will be required to go beyond your permitted boundaries. This will be monitored using your phones – this already occurs is areas of China. Electric vehicles will have boundary settings – similar to how electric scooters work around our cities already. They will determine what needs you have and what you are allowed to do; in order to keep the city “sustainable.” This is similar to a prison except the cell is your 15 minute radius. They want to concentrate populations in these 15 minute city bubbles – taking all people out of the rural areas and into the urban. This also helps them to control land and agriculture. It feels funny to type, but Hunger Games might just be as prophetic as 1984 and Soylent Green. 15 minute cities is just a less scary way of saying a large concentration camp.
SDG 12:“Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.”
Translated: Regulation of production and consumption. Consumption to be tracking & monitored using the Digital Currency; limitations based upon Carbon Credits attached to Social Credit System will be used to regulate purchases. Free-market mechanisms such as Supply and Demand will not direct production & consumption, but state intervention and policies based off of “sustainable practices.” Sustainable development can often be replaced with the term ‘limited development’ and/or ‘regulated development.’ Consumption and production to be heavily regulated and limited according to whatever they deem to be appropriate. Of course, consumption will be based off of compliance; and social credit, carbon scores, medical status, and other political status metrics. Production will almost entirely fall under corporate stakeholder structures at this point as small businesses will mostly be wiped out – especially in the manufacturing industry because it will be too expensive for them to keep up with the larger corporations and limiting regulations. Production margins will be too narrow due to costs created by regulations that only larger corporations will be able to produce.
SDG 13:“Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.”
Translated: The major driver of the entire Agenda 2030 – without Climate Alarmism there would be no crisis to drive the Hegelian Dialectic; creating a problem so terrifying that people will be willing to give up their basic human rights in order to ‘save’ the planet from humans. “For the greater good; we’re all in this together.” Label the thousands of scientists speaking up against the alarmism as ‘climate deniers’ and ‘climate change deniers’ while using state funded and politically funded major media outlets to censor all real science and obvious facts about the situation from the mass population. Misinformation, propaganda, indoctrination in the schools and advertising, etc., and the use of HAARP, geoengineering, DEW, to create and perpetuate the narrative. Without the climate change narrative the Agenda 2030 becomes much more difficult to achieve.
SDG 14:“Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.”
Translated: One world governance over the sea under the UN’s Convention on the Law of the Sea. Control all oceans; restricts and regulates, who, for what, when and how often, and where entities may use the ocean. This is ultimately dictating fishing, mineral rights(ocean floors), sea travel, and ocean exports/imports. The Convention will also dictate obligations for nations in order to fulfill sustainable requirements.
SDG 15: “Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.”
Translated: More environmental regulations, restrictions and obligations. More one world government to dictate extraction processes, quantities, allowances, obligations, licensing, property rights, etc.; for natural resources and mineral rights. Fossil fuels will eventually be regulated out of the market under the guise of unsustainability and all proponents that fossil fuels are abiotic will be labelled conspiracy theorists. This is also, a means of halting the outward expansion of industrial/commercial and housing developments from cities and suburbs, in order to promote the concentration of people into 15 minute cities. Keep green spaces green and ram people into cities like sardines in a tin. This will also create an oligarchy of land ownership outside of the cities which will be directed by UN or one world governance.
SDG 16: “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Translated: To override national constitutions that recognize and protect individual rights and freedoms; and to replace them with the International Court of Justice. This will lead to erosions of rights & freedoms such as: freedom of speech, freedom of association, right to peaceful assembly, the right to bear arms; and possibly even mobility rights, private property rights, and parenting rights. They will also include national obligations such as forced quarantines under ‘health crises’ and forced acceptance of refugees. This is a trojan horse for police states run by UN Peacekeepers. And much much more.
SDG 17:“Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.”
Translated: UN/WEF Global supremacy. The promotion of globalism under a one world governance (headed by the UN AGENDA 2030) in the name of “Global Cooperation” and “Sustainable Development.” The worldwide eradication of national sovereignty. Each nation to be more dependent on international cooperation – dictated and directed by the the one world governance. The UN to have an Orwellian hold on the world in all aspects of life — from the state powers all of the way down to individual rights and freedoms.
Do you think that these translations are too wild? Or are they reasonable? What would you add?