The Looming Dystopia: A quick look at the Chinese Mass Surveillance System -- Should You Be Worried?
Many people don’t want to acknowledge the elephant in the room — or more specifically, the totalitarian psychopaths in the room. We are looking at Big Brother boosted with mass surveillance technology; and this is nothing to shrug your shoulders at. You can’t cognitive dissonance yourself away to continue to float through your illusion of a life forever; at some point reality is going to shackle you and you’ll wonder how on earth things could have escalated so drastically and so quickly. Except it’s not quick, these frogs just can’t recognize the slow boil they are sitting in. Watching Canadians drone about, ignoring this overt destruction of society aimed at restructuring toward a technocratic dystopia, is mind-numbing. Taking a quick look at how China is monitoring and controlling its people is imperative. Acknowledging what is happening in other parts of the world is not only crucial, but recognizing that we are set on the same trajectory — especially with the adoption of Digital IDs and CBDC(Central Bank Digital Currency) — is paramount to resisting; or at least preparing.
By 2019, China had installed well over 200 million facial recognition cameras, all integrated and operating within a system using big data, algorithms, AI, geotracking, and much more, to monitor and, along with a social credit system, to incentivize the behaviours of its citizens. Work, travel, voting rights, and access to your own money, are just a few examples of privileges that can be turned on or off depending on your Social Credit Score. Watch the videos below for more details. This surveillance system is capable of scanning over 1.4 BILLION faces in a single second. (That was not a typo). Imagine the tracking and monitoring capabilities of such a system along with the tracking that takes place on our phones. Scary right?
Watch these videos.
How China’s Mass Surveillance Works (6:20 minutes)
by Tech Vision
This next video shows some ways that this system has been used to control and abuse the very citizens it’s supposed to protect. Keep in mind that these videos are Youtube videos, and that Youtube censors — meaning, what they are doing to these people is much worse.
China’s Surveillance State: Why You Should Be Worried | System Error. (12:15 minutes)
by VICE News
Canada, at the moment, is seemingly far from this…. But what is our timeline?
And how quickly will the sphere of control capabilities in Canada accelerate if we allow the Digital ID and Digital Currency? (Important).
Canada is looking at how its own businesses, especially businesses that work with Chinese networks, may work with China and their Social Credit System. Canada is not completely accepting of CSCS(Chinese Social Credit System) — highlighting important discrepancies such as, “there is no clear definition of ‘social credit’” and also questioning the complexities of controlling consistent compliance requirements. This is something that Canadians with have to keep a close eye on. Here is the CSCS link to the Government’s Trade Commissioner’s site that reviews the CSCS and canadian businesses integration. . The take away is that Canada is not dismissing or rejecting the CSCS — it is entertaining the notion.
Also, worth keeping an eye on is how China will still be monitoring and using the Social Credit System on Chinese persons living overseas (in Canada). How are they monitoring them? “Chinese citizens in Canada and elsewhere will still be judged by social credit. Their personal data is not necessarily always protected when they are located overseas”
Worth noting: What’s going on with the Chinese Police Stations operating within Canada? Should China be allowed to extend its ‘anti-corruption’ campaign — by setting up ‘Service Stations’ for Chinese personnel — to police Chinese nationals living abroad?