No Man Ever Steps In The Same River Twice...Right Ontario!? Are We Really Going to Have This Conversation Again?
400 Studies (with links) to NOT Have Any More Idiotic Masks and Mandates. Just because they ignored it a year ago doesn't mean they'll ignore it again.
It’s no surprise that many Canadians still have shit for brains. I try to maintain a high degree of optimism that people are waking up and learning how simply following the herd or “just following orders” is the reason that this country, economy, inflation, relationships, and most of the problems in general, have metastasized into a giant cancerous tumor that is still accelerating toward the Great’ol Reset — as told to us at the beginning of the “pandemic” by Klaus Schwab himself in his book COVID-19: The Great Reset. I’m preaching to the choir, sorry.
Anyway, back to it…
I’ve noticed more people starting to ramp up masks again; and of course MSM outlets such as CTV are peddling narrative…again. The provincial experts and politicians will try as well, “Time for Ontario to reinstate mask mandates, ex-science table adviser says.”
I’m hoping that, despite what my eyes are tracking in Ottawa, seeing more people starting to wear masks again, and knowing that Ottawa is the belly of the Beast, that the rest of the country is not so blindly obedient and pusillanimous. Rather than writing an entire article preaching to the choir, I’ll just share this important piece, written by Dr. Paul Alexander, compiling 400 studies — with links to each one — to provide science for all of the “science™ followers” as to why none of these restrictions are beneficial. Give sharing these articles a try this time around.
More Than 400 Studies on the Failure of Compulsory Covid Interventions (Lockdowns, Restrictions, Closures).
(If you just want to cover the mask topic alone then: More than 150 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms)
Now obviously just sharing the science(actual science) has not been successful and you may feel like it’s pointless at this intermediate stage of the culling — or hybrid warfare, to be less dramatic. After all, those articles were written in 2021 and, lo and behold, they made no difference; but I do believe that many more people are coming around than we perceive. This is an informational battlefield, and perceived reality is a powerful determinant to those more inclined to conform to normative influences. One indicator to the degree of control over the perceived realities of the masses, and their blind obedience (besides the masking), are vaccine uptakes — and vaccine uptakes are in major decline. This is something to be optimistic about!! Take a look at the shares of people that have not received a dose in the last six months in Ontario:
Again…be optimistic about this. If many people are slowing down on joining/continuing the experiment, then they will likely be slightly more open to listening to information, that a year ago, they ignored.
Just because they ignored the information a year ago, does not mean that they’ll necessarily ignore it again. No man steps in the same river twice.
A significant portion of the ‘nice people’ — and even some of the automatons — that have been going along with this nonsense for the past two years, have got to be questioning things by now. They must know that things just haven’t added up and I’m sure that even many of them, especially the ones that just complied “so that this would all end quickly,” are at this point, fed up with the failures and almost ready to not comply. There is no way that everyone’s attitude is still the same about this. It’s not just that the river a man steps in is never the same river, but also that as time passes, circumstances change, he changes, it’s also a different man(woman)….. Let’s not forget that all of the false promises by health experts, celebrities, and politicians were broken; they lied and there is no hiding it. People are pissed off. Only the extremely brainwashed or narcissistic sociopaths can continue to evade the facts. Just don’t waste your time with the apathetic nor the arrogant.
I recommend putting those articles back into circulation because I think people will look at them this time, and also, I am tired of being around all of these slave-minded masked automatons. I’m uncomfortably embarrassed at how far this has gone — I’m sure you all feel the same. To at least try again is the least we can do to nip it in the butt before the ‘nice people’ submit to the crowd and help shape the perceived reality in the wrong direction. Of course don’t bother wasting your time with the NPC’s and Karens of the world, but if you think there is a chance that the person might benefit from the information, then share it. Stop and have conversations with people. Don’t walk away, if the person has a brain, or claims to have a brain, then make them acknowledge how wrong many of the ‘experts’ have been, and how many just flat out lied; and that if any of these 400 studies are true, then it’s time to re-examine their opinions. Anyway, this was supposed to be a short one. Here are the studies again. Share them.
More Than 400 Studies on the Failure of Compulsory Covid Interventions (Lockdowns, Restrictions, Closures).
(If you just want to cover the mask topic alone then: More than 150 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms)
This winter we will find out if our country is still brainwashed. Remember Canada: You get what you tolerate.