So you are walking down the street. Ahead of you, you see a man. He is dressed poorly, with holes in his jeans, and not because he bought them that way. He is dirty, and rambling on about something. You get closer and he puts his hand out to stop you. His semi-toothless mouth begins. “THEY ARE PART OF A DEATH CULT, THEY ARE VAMPIRES”. “Woah,” you think to yourself this stinky bum is nuts.
This is a made-up scenario, but similar to the ones you may have encountered walking around Toronto, Vancouver, or Halifax. I wanted to give context to how I am about to present myself. As some crazy toothless man living on the street. Or what many may imagine as a “nut job”
Here we go then. IT’S A DEATH CULT.
Am I nuts? I guess ill leave it up to you to decide.
Our rulers seem to love death. No better example of that is found than in our current so-called western democracies. Death is everywhere. In fact, it’s almost a cottage industry. Just abortion and MAID alone make that a reasonable argument. There is more to it.
"Somehow we take the insane carnage at Passchendaele and turn the screaming, and suffering into something to glorify"
So what is a death cult? Simply defined “a fringe religious group that glorifies or is obsessed with death.”
Let’s examine. Our leaders have been sending us to wars for hundreds of years. Let’s scale that to the more recent Canadian experience.
WW1, 2, and the following conflicts and campaigns saw hundreds of thousands of brave men and women from our society sacrificed for the government’s and bankers’ international and monetary interests and largely based on lies. These sacrifices are then glorified as if to tempt others to follow along and viewing these sacrifices as necessary may be something you’d be willing to duplicate. Somehow we take the insane carnage at Passchendaele and turn the screaming, and suffering into something to glorify. As if to worship death, and glorify it. I would know, I had sought the glory of combat myself, believing dying in a foreign land based on what the CBC said was possibly worthwhile.
"Instead, we shift the choice to post-conception and promote the killing of innocence as “birth control”."
We have Abortion, promoted by the government as a woman’s right. In fact, we now glorify abortion as a brave and responsible decision. When we all know the right to choose starts with choosing to be intimate with a partner while considering what we learned in grade school about how babies are made.
Instead, we shift the choice to post-conception and promote the killing of innocence as “birth control”. Instead of promoting things like adoption, or community support, we encourage and glorify the decision to abort a life. Having a vocal opinion against this receives admonishment. Our government even withheld funds from Religious groups, and charities for the summer student program, for having views that were against their glorification of abortion/death and consequence-free sex.
"Not to worry there was still a chance to sacrifice him post-ritualistic war based on lies."
We have MAID. In Canada, apparently, no boundaries to which its use can be confined. Again this was promoted and has been let loose, practically unrestricted by our government. Recently many of us have been made aware of a few concerning stories in relation to MAID.
Recently a veteran with a Traumatic Brain Injury, likely received from service in a combat zone, feeding the sacrificial war machine gives us a frightening example. He survived the war to the government’s chagrin. He came home and now suffers from a TBI. Not to worry there was still a chance to sacrifice him post-ritualistic war based on lies. Veterans affairs suggested, that instead of receiving his much-deserved treatment, that instead, he considers letting them help him kill himself. Shocking I know. Its also come out that Veterans Affairs even pulled this off successfully in previous months. Killing another veteran, but don’t worry, they paid for grief counseling for his children.
The most recent story is that of a Canadian who came here for a better life at a young age, from another country. He worked his butt off, but unfortunately now has chronic pain, and can no longer work. The government systems that are supposed to support him do not cut it, he cannot even find an affordable place to live. Instead of offering up some form of housing, or increasing benefits, the government suggested MAID. Life means nothing to them, and it would be best if he was just removed for good like the war was supposed to do to him. Again like the other examples. MAID is again glorified as a groundbreaking progression in care. Soon in Canada even having a mental illness will qualify you to be deleted by our government overlords. The government has been busy creating the circumstances to lead to desperation, which now they can feed the desperate into their death machine.
Now you can feel free to disagree with my examples. That’s fine. You might ask, what is the point of it? The point is culling. They wish to achieve this by physical death and failing that death of the individual mind.
"Yes, that’s right I am about to call a bunch of people zombies."
Yeah, that's right. They don’t want people around thinking. If they can’t just get them to die, then getting them to exist as a cog in their machine, which promotes all this death is almost as good.
ZOMBIES. The living dead. Yes, that’s right I am about to call a bunch of people zombies. A corpse revived by witchcraft or another spiritual or biological effect. You see, if you don’t think for yourself you aren’t really alive. The government uses schools, News, entertainment media, and pressures in society to create and control zombies. People who will act predictably and obediently without thinking. You see the Bible and a few other religious writings describe people as already being dead at birth. Or existing only in the flesh, and fulfilling their physical wants and temptations, or “feeding the flesh”. Or in laymen’s terms existing to fulfill their own satisfactions, endless sex, eating as much food as they can get their hands on (see Premier Doug Ford) fulfilling all pleasures. The government likes this.
So they use the media, and policy to promote living at your base instincts and filling your time seeking out ways to pleasure yourself. Whether that be traveling around, taking Instagram photos, chasing the opposite sex, spending time on porn sites, gambling, doing drugs, and drinking beyond moderation. They seek to create a selfish or, self-flesh, society.
"The government knows it created a selfish society. They exercised their power over it quite well."
Once they have a mass of selfish individuals they then promote ideals that satisfy self-interest, once this is accomplished anyone else not roped into this or who speaks out against these tenets, is labeled and othered, and the self-interested are made to target them as obstacles on their path to feeding their flesh. So then these flesh bags rally to promote whatever narrative allows them to continue to feed their selfish wants and ideologies. They can be made to promote, war, as well as be told things like abortion and MAID are healthy choices, in short, promote the death machine. This is what makes them zombies. The living dead. Who will eventually march themselves into the grave having lived out selfish ineffectual lives at the behest of the government.
A quick example of this zombie thinking would be easily lifted from the last two years of government tyranny. The government knows it created a selfish society. They exercised their power over it quite well. They took all the things the zombies fed their selfish interests with, restaurants, events, shopping malls, hair stylists, travel, and tattoo shops. Then they gave some bait a vaccine. Instead of questioning if it was the right thing, they simply saw it as a way back to feeding their selfishness. It gets even worse.
For example, Mindy and Matt McZomboid, love going out on Wednesdays and Fridays with their 13-year-old to Boston pizza. They love to engorge themselves with glutinous proportions of wings and pizza while guzzling Budweiser. It feels so fucking good, to just satisfy that body.
"They were nothing but a casualty of their parent’s pre-existing selfishness."
Lockdowns come and that all-important ritual has been taken away. So when they are told that, they can return to Boston pizza if they take an experimental vaccine, they don’t even think twice. They reconvene and start going back to Boston pizza, which requires them to be vaccinated to enter. This is great, but then one day, the government comes forward with a new edict, which puts a kink in their plans. Children over 12, now cant enter establishments without having proof of vaccination.
So without much consideration, they then vaccinate their 13-year-old, so they can keep going to Boston pizza. Now many will think, yikes I can believe they would do that to their young child. Don’t be surprised. It’s all part of being a zombie. You see they already fucked their kid up by making the child obese, from all the Boston pizza. They were nothing but a casualty of their parent’s pre-existing selfishness. Sadly this was always the outcome for the child having zombie parents whose lives exist to satisfy their basic needs. The government is aware, they weren’t surprised. So you don’t need to be either.
So you see my dear readers. They glorify death and create the conditions to increase it, failing that, they create conditions for you to feed their machine. They want Bodies, or zombies (the living dead). Poison in your vein or tv for a brain. They seek ultimate control.
On point brother, thanks for inviting me to your works, BZ.