A Quick Glance At Canadian Propaganda during the Emergency Act Inquiry AND What Everyone Is NOT Talking About
Breaking down a Global 'News' article: "‘Freedom Convoy’ forced kids’ chemo delays, rescheduling for 13 families: CHEO".
For any Canadian that was unable to experience the Trucker Convoy first hand, their only means of assessing the downtown Ottawa situation was likely solely through MSM’s(Mainstream Media) reporting and echo-chambered peers — also influenced by MSM reporting. To put it more concisely and less politely, they have opinions based off of lies. These lies keep pouring out, gaslighting those of us that know the truth, and further misleading those who already had ill-conceived opinions —formulated from: previous lies, misinformation, propaganda, indoctrination, psychological conditioning, and pusillanimous conformity.
We have to keep in mind the censorship present in the MSM — the millions of dollars that the liberal gov’t gives to fund our major media outlets, the propaganda campaigns, and their drive for sensationalist headlines that suit the Great Reset narrative — the WEF infiltration in Canada ( read 16 Indisputable Facts…Great Reset… if you are still nescient of the GR); and BIG Tech censorship and misinformation campaigns, search engine DE-optimization and shadowbans, the misinforming and often outright dishonest ‘Fact Checkers’; and then also keep in mind the amount of Useful Idiots in society and parroting automatons. I’m often reminded of George Carlin’s “Think of how stupid the average person is…
…and then realize that half of them are stupider than that.”
Propaganda functions best through repeating tidbits of narrative, misinformation, and lies; and doing so rapidly, frequently, and ubiquitously. The particular article I’ll go over is nothing special. I simply chose it because of both its recency and the tactical use of ‘children’and ‘cancer’ to gain our hearts and ears. When reading the article make note of how little is actually said about the children in the headline. No information is given: their ages, where they live, which streets were blocked, how long they were delayed from their appointments or how far back they had to reschedule their appointments. It may as well have just been a tweet. They use headlines like this to get your attention (emotional commitment) in order to propagate a strategic revision of the facts, laying a foundation to support more lies shared across other articles and other media working cohesively to tell history how the want you to believe it while they also censor those that tell you otherwise.
Unfortunately, I need to preface this and say that of course we don’t want any children to miss any important medical procedures and of course we care about all individual lives — children’s especially. The reason I personally speak up is because I have a young son and I hate what is happening in this country, the world, and I’m concerned about the future world he will inherit from ‘us’. With that being said, we have to understand how propaganda often piggy backs off of our emotions in order to plant seeds. Emotional thinkers are not critical thinkers. Actually, “emotional thinker” is actually kind of an oxymoron. For the past week, many of us have been watching the farce that is the Emergency Act Inquiry. This Global ‘News’ article, attempts to play off of people’s emotions with the headline involving “kids” and “chemo” in order to negatively paint the Trucker Convoy in a way that will allow them to vilify the convoy. As if people in the convoy forced kids to miss there chemo appointments. And how this works is that anyone who shows disagreement with many things said in this particular Global news article will be attacked as a person that doesn’t care about children or cancer patients. So to be clear, I think I speak for everyone involved in the protest when I say that everyone hopes those children got the treatment they needed and are holding strong. And, if any single person in the trucker convoy had heard that a child was going to miss that appointment, you could bet that they’d have driven the children themselves. Anyone that was there knows that it was fuelled by love for freedom and each other.
I just want to highlight and point out a few ways that articles like this one “‘Freedom Convoy’ forced kids’ chemo delays, rescheduling for 13 families: CHEO" attempt mislead you:
The convoy protests entirely blocked some downtown Ottawa streets with trucks, vehicles, and other infrastructure — including a bouncy castle and a hot tub.
Thoughts: Adding two words of my own to add precision into the quote: “The convoy protests entirely blocked some blocks of some downtown Ottawa Streets”…. No full street was completely blocked, emergency routes were made available and coordinated with the Police/City. Even if you lived in the Parliament building itself you could drive in and out and the only absolute detriments not letting vehicles leave the area would have been the concrete blockades (placed by the City/Police). If someone was completely blocked in an area and could not leave, it was not a truck in their way but a concrete blockade. Keep in mind, that as inconvenient as detours can be, if there is a detour available then no person can claim to be trapped or entirely blocked. If detours count as being entirely blocked, then many Canadians are trapped or completely blocked by construction all over the country every year and we ought to declare an Emergency.
In a bid to stop even more vehicles from blockading Ottawa’s roads, police established a “secure zone” area near Parliament Hill where only local traffic could pass through. Residents were forced to show police officers proof that they lived or worked in the area, sometimes multiple times in a single journey, just to get home — assuming the streets surrounding their destination were accessible at all.
Thoughts: A small group of people complaining that they had to stop and show ID, to move about, during the Trucker Convoy is, to me, hilarious. A small group of people ( those locals living or working within the few blocks affected by vehicles, with emergency lanes established ) needing to show ID in order to get past police — not protesters — shows a major disconnect as to why the protests were happening in the first place. This small group of residents, upset by the inconvenience of having to prove that they live in the area just to move about, might want to consider that many people protesting were protesting because they’d have to show ID, along with medical information(Vaccine Passport) just to travel around the country; to work, to go to school; to enter restaurants, movie theatres; some to have surgeries(including life saving transplants); for child custody, etc.. etc….
And to anyone that doesn’t like my referring to these locals as a small group — I did that on purpose — maybe consider how millions of Canadians not wanting to participate in a medical experiment, fighting for bodily autonomy, and facing medical segregation, don’t appreciate being called a Small Fringe Minority. Never mind the other, more vilifying, terms used to describe the millions of us by the Prime Minister of the country. The irony and the narcissism is astounding. Anyone that isn’t a hypocrite and has an ounce of intellectual consistency would acknowledge that people complaining about having to show their ID(proof) to travel around during this protest justified the need for the protest.
“Their care was either delayed or had to be rescheduled.”
Thoughts: Having both of the terms ‘delayed’ and ‘rescheduled’ implies that at least some of the people still had their therapy done on the same day — if it was delayed that means it didn’t need rescheduling — and those that needed rescheduling did not wait long.* (I say this because most often what is not said is very telling). They do not mention the extent of the rescheduling, which with the context of knowing the narrative the media wants to push, implies that it was not a significant enough amount of time to mention. I am not downplaying the seriousness of the needed therapy; I am pointing out the purposeful ambiguity of this point. It was purposefully written to give less information in order to leave more to the reader’s imagination. This is dishonest and misleading journalism. If the headline was about people missing appointments and someone were to say that they had to reschedule, there is not a decent reporter alive that would not subsequently ask, “To when? When do you have to reschedule to?” Of course she asked this question, but why did she leave that information out? Did she purposefully leave out that information from the article? Either she’s a completely incompetent journalist or a misleading one — trying to have people imagining kids completely missing their chemo therapy sessions. Considering she’s a professional journalist, I’d lean toward purposeful omission and dishonesty. Argue with me if you like on that point, but I know you know I’m right. For all anyone knows, the rescheduling for each person was only a few hours later or the very next day; and since there are no other mentioned negative consequences other than the delayed or rescheduled appointments we shouldn’t assume anything else.
I’ll touch a little more on the topic of missed appointments in the next thought.
“We have communications with residents who…couldn’t get to their cancer treatment because the bus couldn’t get there and they were not mobile,” he said.
Thoughts: I think it’s terrible that people would miss their cancer treatments. It makes my blood boil. I completely agree. I think we could all agree that if the trucker convoy kept anyone from a cancer treatment, cancer screening, or a surgery of any kind, that it would be terribly wrong and everyone should be angry at that. Imagine if the Trucker Convoy only let unvaccinated people get to the hospital for surgeries. That would be medical discrimination and unfair right? How many surgeries, screening, treatments, etc… were Canadians restricted from getting due to pandemic measures? How many appointments delayed, cancelled, or rescheduled due to government mandates across the entire country? How much has the healthcare crisis across the country been impacted by the government firing medical professionals based off of medical discrimination (BTW Pfizer finally admitted they never tested for transmission AND the data clearly shows it makes no difference limiting infections and actually has negative efficacy in the long-term).
Now I’m not saying that two wrongs make a right. I’m saying that if we are going to demonize the Trucker Convoy for a few Ottawa residents missing their cancer treatments, then I’d sure like to see some moralistic integrity and consistency when looking at the Government!! If anyone is upset about a few residents in Ottawa, then they must be in a fit of rage about the entire country!! RIGHT?!?! And keep in mind, some of the Canadians were flat out denied treatments, much needed life saving transplants, based upon medical discrimination. Anyone upset for the Ottawa residents must be extremely angry for the thousands and thousands of the Canadians across the country, especially the ones that were victims of medical segregation.
“The residents living on those streets having these horns honk literally 24 hours a day, seven days a week, plus the diesel fumes, plus roasting a pig on one street, bonfires, lighting off fireworks, having a dance party. It was showing complete disrespect for the people who lived in the city of Ottawa.”
Did you know that if you live in any capital city of any country in the world, one that isn’t totalitarian, that if there’s going to be any major protest in the country, the capital city will pretty much always be the number one place for that protest to take place? Shocking I know.
Part of the benefit of living in a major city, especially the nation’s capital, is that it’s where all of the major celebrations, festivals, and national holidays can be enjoyed; and taxpayers across the country pay for you to participate and have such wonderful experiences. Do you know how many millions of dollars go into these things? For example, do you remember how much the hockey rink in front of Parliament for Canada’s 150 yr closing celebrations cost? That alone was over $5.6million; never mind that celebrations in major cities across Canada cost over half a billion dollars that year. People literally live in cities because they want to be around more people, more energy/movement, more amenities, more jobs, etc…. In Ottawa, the majority of jobs are government or on government contracts, and we get tax money funnelling from around the rest of the country to finance the federal budget. So much of Ottawa’s infrastructure and economy is paid for by the rest of the country. Consider that for receiving all of the benefits and opportunities of living in the nation’s capital, there might also be a consequence; that when people in the country are unhappy, the same place they send all of their tax money “to make the country great” is the same place they’ll gather when they are discontent. It only makes sense.
And this leads me to one of the most incredible evasions by the media and the mainstream population. Their inability to acknowledge the most important question surrounding the Trucker Convoy and this Emergency Act Inquiry fiasco. WHY? Why aren’t we talking about WHY the Trucker Convoy happened?
I don’t understand how people have the capacity to write about, read about, or complain about, a movement large enough to bring in the Emergency Act — War Measures Act — (whether justified or not) and yet to not discuss the entire situation further; to ask ‘Why did this protest happen in the first place?”
To be honest, I find this oversight kind of retarded(I realize that some people are offended by that term but I’m using it based on its actual meaning:“affected with impaired intellectual development” and no other word is as fitting. We are talking about the largest protest in Canadian history — one that even if it were truly a National Emergency — we should all be discussing why so many Canadians, and so many people around the world took notice and showed support; and why so many Canadians from across the entirety of our vast country felt a need to show up and protest. It was the coldest time of the year in one of the coldest capitals in the world and hundreds of thousands of people still flooded to the streets. Think about that for a second. Do you know how cold it was? Imagine how many people there would have been if it were in the middle of the summer!! Somehow all of these people gathered and brought food, offered hugs, shovelled the streets better than the City, picked up garbage better than the City, yes — we sung and danced, I’m not sure about the pig roasts nor the fireworks but we sure did dance— and the only time there was any form of violence was when peaceful protesters were being trampled and abused by police. But why were so many people gathered downtown to protest our government? They sure didn’t do this because they were pleased by the government did they? Why did the protest happen in the first place? What caused so many Canadians to come out to the nation’s capital? This part of the topic is non-existent and it’s gaslighting.
What is the point of a major protest — the largest protest in the history of the country — if it does not even garner the focus and attention as to why people were protesting in the first place? So many discontent Canadian citizens flooded the streets that, even though it was peaceful, the Government called in the ol’War Measures Act. And now instead of focusing on all of the politicians that propagated the pandemic response(and those that were complicit by their lack of Opposition), the lies by the media, lies by ‘health experts’, lies by institutions, corporations, influencers, celebrities, billionaires, etc… and all of the abuse… the focus is on whether or not the implementation of the Emergency Act was justified.
To frame it simply: We have consistently not been focusing on the Trucker Convoy and the reasons for the protest in the first place because the Canadian propaganda machine has done a fantastic job keeping that side of the conversation silent. When it comes to a tyrannical government, there no such thing as beating a dead horse — especially when the horse is just taking a nap.
This was written from an unknown member of the small fringe minority with unacceptable views:
“The Convoy was not just for the truckers mandates.
It was for the family members banned from visiting family in nursing homes.
It was for the censorship on all social media platforms.
It was for all the people afraid to speak in fear of being called conspiracy theorists, racists and “Uncanadian”.
It was for the people who didn’t want to give up their freedom of choice and didn’t fully understand what informed consent was, they just knew that what was happening wasn’t right!
It was for the people who don’t want to give up their right to bear arms.
It was for the people who don’t want their children and grandchildren to be in debt for the next 100 years.
It was for the people who only want answers to the many questions that haven’t been answered still to this day.
It was for the people afraid to hug their family and visit friends, or be told no, stay away.
It was for the people who wanted their lives back and to be just left alone!
For the hairdressers to cut hair.
For the restaurants to serve food.
For the bars to play music.
For the students to learn.
For the kids to be free.
For people who want to work but are forced not to.
This was for the people.
This was for trying to silence honest and hardworking citizens.
Never in my life have I ever seen the healthy punished and the sick untreated and law abiding citizens forced into taking an experimental injection in order to keep feeding their families.
This was for the 300,000 surgeries cancelled.
This was for the people that died waiting for their surgery.
This was for the people who died alone in the hospital without being able to hold the hands of their loved ones.
This was for the exhausted nurses, teachers, parents etc.
This was for the doctors that were and still are being silenced.
This was for all the front line workers, delivery trucks, grocery store clerks, PSWs who are constantly working overtime etc.
This was for all of us.”